Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Introducing Baby Chamberlain

Wow! We had our first scan yesterday morning, and I have to say it was one of the most wonderful experiences of my entire life.
Over the past week or so leading up the scan I had been feeling really nervous, aprehensive about potential problems it might show. But when I got up yesterday morning the excitment I felt far out-weighed any fear.

As I lay on the midwife's couch, tummy exposed and covered in warm (yes, not cold at all) gel, Andy and I cluched hands watching the screen in anticipation. After a few seconds of blury-nothing-ness the most amazing sight came into view. There was our little baby pictured so clearly, arms and leg kicking and it's little heart beating away. We were both just tansfixed. I will never forget that moment.

Yes, there is just one, healthy baby, s/he's just 4.8cm long (from top of head to bottom) and is today: 11 weeks and 4 days "old".


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