More festival fun
This time it was Greenbelt arts festival in Cheltenham. Andy and I were working for our friends charity CRED setting up and running "The Living Room" cafe. I have to say that it looked fantastic and we attracted a huge amount of interest in CRED and an enormous positive response.

It was fantastic hang out with all our friends who were also there for the weekend.
Bruno found Elizabeth hilarious!
Levi on the other hand was less impressed!
Brooke was an absolutely fantastic hostess, and my honorary daughter for the weekend!
And Zach and Levi (Snr) were brilliant with Elizabeth.

It was fantastic hang out with all our friends who were also there for the weekend.

I love, love, love, love, love, love, LOVE being able to hit a book mark and see little pieces of your lives. It's brillient and beautiful and it hits me just right.
Much love (can one use such a word too much),
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