Monday, March 21, 2011

37 weeks and a plan is in place

So, I thought you'd all like to hear the final plan for the arrival of baby Chamberlain the second (as much as you can plan for these things!) Andy and I had an appointment with the consultant at the maternity hospital this afternoon (and an ultrasounds scan) and the great news is that the baby is not breech, but head down and ready for action!

As most of you know things didn't go too smoothly with Elizabeth's arrival and so we decided that whatever happens an induced labour is not an option this time - and not encouraged after a pervious caesarean anyway. But seeing as everything is indicating a natural labour and birth is very possible we're going to give nature as long as possible to do her thing!

I'm therefore booked in for a planned caesarean at 40 weeks + 12 days (on 27th April) but please pray / keep your fingers crossed for a straight forward and natural birth before that date.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We're so excited....
love from nana & Hughxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

March 28, 2011 5:43 pm  

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