Saturday, February 17, 2007

Due today

Well, today is my due day but no sign of "the chicken" as yet. It's a really funny time, in the back of my mind I've been expecting to go into labour at any momnent for the past couple of weeks. But today is D-day and somehow I thought I'd be feeling different by now (like someone about to have a baby - whatever that feels like?!) but I really don't!

I do feel really lucky to have had such a straight forward pregnancy, with no major complaints the whole way through, even now I'm still feeling very comfortable. I'm just trying to enjoy these last days of pre-parenthood, getting lots of time to chill out, finish off little bits of DIY round the house, hang out with friends, etc. Andy and I have also had lots of time to spend together since I've been off work, as his shift work means he has week days off quite often, which has been wonderful.

Last week we both had really bad colds, so were willing the chicken not to come unitl we were feeling better (I had to see the doctor with a suspected chest infection, as my already restricted lung capacity, on top of a chesty cold, was giving me problems breathing, but he gave me the all clear) we're both over the worst of it now, and I'm feeling fit for labour again!!

Watch this space.


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