Back Stage at V Festival!
So, on Sunday morning Andy opens up an email from our good friend Isaac (yes, that is Isaac Slade, lead singer of The Fray) saying that they're playing the V Festival that very afternoon and would love us to come up and be thier guests - He hadn't met Elizabeth and would love to see all three of us.

Its a long drive to Staffordshire for the day, but we couldn't miss an invitation like that so we set off in the pouring rain. Three hours later (Elizabeth sleeping all the way) we arrive and were met by Jason "the manager" who escorted us onto the Channel4 Stage sound desk just in time to see the band come on stage.
It was an amazing set, the highlight of which had to be Isaac's dedication of "Look After You" to our little poppet. He told the crowd how his friends and their baby Elizabeth were watching from the sound desk, and 40,000 people turned round to see our little star and let up a big cheer!

After the show we went and met Isaac and the rest of the band back stage. It was really good to see them, catch up, and introduce Elizabeth to them. Plus the VIP treatment was sooo exciting! Isaac sorted us out with backstage passes enabling us to get the most amazing stage-side view of sets by Kanye West, Pink and Snow Patrol!

Not to mention the free drinks and star spotting... Andy shared a ciggy with The Thrills, the guitar player from Nirvana / Foo Fighters stopped to coo at Elizabeth and asked how old she was (!) Jarvis Cocker strolled past, and later we were shouffered back to our car in a minibus with Primal Scream!

Its a long drive to Staffordshire for the day, but we couldn't miss an invitation like that so we set off in the pouring rain. Three hours later (Elizabeth sleeping all the way) we arrive and were met by Jason "the manager" who escorted us onto the Channel4 Stage sound desk just in time to see the band come on stage.
It was an amazing set, the highlight of which had to be Isaac's dedication of "Look After You" to our little poppet. He told the crowd how his friends and their baby Elizabeth were watching from the sound desk, and 40,000 people turned round to see our little star and let up a big cheer!

After the show we went and met Isaac and the rest of the band back stage. It was really good to see them, catch up, and introduce Elizabeth to them. Plus the VIP treatment was sooo exciting! Isaac sorted us out with backstage passes enabling us to get the most amazing stage-side view of sets by Kanye West, Pink and Snow Patrol!

Not to mention the free drinks and star spotting... Andy shared a ciggy with The Thrills, the guitar player from Nirvana / Foo Fighters stopped to coo at Elizabeth and asked how old she was (!) Jarvis Cocker strolled past, and later we were shouffered back to our car in a minibus with Primal Scream!