Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Still Waiting

Well I'm four days overdue now, and feeling a little deflated, as I had reflexology yesterday which to this point seems to have had no effect. The midwife also just called to cancel the appointment we had scheduled for today - she was going to do a "sweep" to try and get things started, but the hospital is very over crowded and they don't want any more labouring mothers coming in!!
Hey Ho, physically I'm feeling fine, and the sun is shining so it looks like another day sat in the garden with my feet up - can't be that bad!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Due today!

Just thought I'd write a little something to mark this day. Baby Chamberlain II is due today, but as with our first little bundle of joy the new arrival is destined to be late!

I'm feeling fine, a few more twinges than with Elizabeth, but not holding my breath! All of us are very eager to meet the little cherub, but it’s so good to know that if nothing happens in the meantime, the waiting will be over in 12 days.