Thursday, September 15, 2011

Big school.

Last week we had a home visit from Elizabeth's school teacher Mrs Bailey and the teaching assistant Miss Harker. Elizabeth loved showing them round the guest house and our lounge too, they also got to meet Jude. And we all had the chance to chat about 'big school' and what Elizabeth was most excited about: "playing"!

Yesterday that exciting day finally came. Elizabeth had been looking forward to it for weeks, her first afternoon at St Michael's CE Primary School.

I took her in and she was practically bursting to get through the door. It was so lovely to see her run into the classroom with such confidence, hardly looking back to say "see you later Mummy and Jude". When I collected her at the end of the day her very first question was "Mummy, when is soon?" Mrs Bailey had told her she could come again soon, but not soon enough as far as my big school girl was concerned! She starts every afternoon from Monday, and goes full time after half term at the end of October.

The start of a very new and exciting chapter for us all.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Jude just loves being on his feet!

Monday, September 05, 2011

I can write my own (very long) name!

Sunday, September 04, 2011

Growing Up Fast

Jude is now 4 months and loves to stand on his feet and also roll over! Elizabeth had her hair cut yesterday ready for 'big school'.