Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Crisis Survived!

So, this blog is now mainly about progress with the new little baby Chamberlain II, but our big baby still deserves a mention! So here's a little story from last week, about her lost baby!

Andy and I took Elizabeth into town on a rare afternoon off, and Elizabeth's very favourite baby doll in all the world "Baby" came too. It wasn't until we were about to head home, after browsing round at least a dozen shops that we realised Baby had decided to go off and do some shopping of her own. Andy and I split off to retrace our steps. Elizabeth and I heading straight back to Debenhams where we had spent most time. On initial investigation (going back to all the departments we had visited) she was nowhere to be found.

Just as we were leaving the shop I decided to ask another much friendlier looking assistant. After taking a full description of Baby from Elizabeth she radioed the security guard who came down to speak to Elizabeth too. She was feeling a lot less anxious with all this sudden interest in Baby! "Security Chris" went on a search and rescue mission, and within 5 minutes he was backā€¦ with Baby! much to the joy and admiration of Elizabeth. What a relief.

Sunday, November 14, 2010


18 weeks yesterday and just felt the first tiny kicks, so wonderful!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Yesterday I had a visit from the midwife at home - my booking appointment - to take all my medical history, etc. Andy, Elzabeth and I all got to hear our babies heart beat which was so magical. I'm now 17 weeks pregnant and developing a cute little bump! Elizabeth has got a really great understanding of the baby growing inside Mummy's tummy and it was perfect that she sould be there the first time we got to hear him or her.